Are you someone who has always dreamt of joining the police force in the UK, but are held back by your asthma? Well, the good news is that having asthma doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t become a police officer. However, there are certain rules and regulations in place that you must adhere to before being accepted into the force.
Firstly, it’s important to understand that each case is evaluated on an individual basis.
This means that just because one person with asthma was accepted into the police force, it doesn’t guarantee automatic acceptance for another person with the same condition.
Once you’ve passed your initial assessment centre, then your in force interview, you will be called for a medical, after this time you will have to complete a fitness test.
It’s at the medical and fitness stage that you may struggle with if you have asthma.
In this article, we’ll delve deeper into whether or not individuals with asthma can join the UK Police Force and what specific requirements need to be met in order to do so.
So if you’re someone who wants to pursue a career as a police officer despite your asthma, keep reading!
Understanding Asthma And Its Impact On Police Work
Breathing is a fundamental aspect of life (crazy, I know). It’s one of those things we take for granted until it becomes difficult, and that’s what happens to people with asthma.
If you have asthma, then you will know that asthma management can be incredibly challenging, as even the smallest triggers can cause difficulty breathing.
This condition affects millions worldwide, including police officers who live up to their duty to protect and serve communities despite their physical limitations.
Police work requires individuals to be physically fit, strong-willed, and quick-thinking in high-pressure situations.

However, when an officer has asthma, this may limit their ability to perform certain tasks effectively. The challenges they face include shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, wheezing, coughing fits – all of which can crop up at any time without warning.
Despite these obstacles, many police departments accommodate officers with asthma and provide them with support and resources to manage their symptoms so they can continue serving their community safely and effectively.
The UK Police Force’s Medical Standards
Understanding Asthma and its Impact on Police Work, it’s natural to wonder if having asthma would prevent you from joining the UK police force. The answer is not straightforward as there are several factors involved in the recruitment process that take into account an individual’s health condition.
The UK Police Force’s medical standards state that individuals with asthma can join the force provided their symptoms are well-managed, and they meet specific criteria.
These standards ensure that officers who suffer from asthma are fit enough to carry out their duties without posing a risk to themselves or others.
If you have asthma, here are five things you need to know about the police recruitment process:
- You must declare your medical history during the application process.
- Your asthma must be controlled by medication.
- You may be required to undergo additional medical testing. (Spirometry (Lung capacity test))
- Your fitness levels will be assessed through various physical tests.
- Officers with asthma may have restrictions placed on certain roles within the police force.
Asthma management is key when it comes to joining the UK police force. As long as your symptoms are well-controlled, you should not experience any issues during the recruitment process.
Will Asthma Restrict Roles?
However, it’s essential to understand that certain positions within the force may require more stringent medical requirements than others.
A prime example of this is armed policing. In order to meet the physical requirements to be an armed police officer, you have to reach a higher level on the bleep test. This will push your physical abilities beyond that of the basic recruitment fitness test.
It may be that your asthma may prevent you from being able to reach these physical requirements.
Therefore, it’s crucial to discuss your options with a healthcare professional before applying, especially if you have a specific career goal in mind.
Remember, having asthma doesn’t mean you cannot pursue a career in policing; it just means that specific considerations must be taken into account during the recruitment process.
The Role Of Occupational Health Assessments
If you have asthma and are interested in joining the UK police force, it is important to understand that there are certain eligibility criteria you must meet. One of the key factors that will be assessed during your application process is your physical fitness level.
As part of this assessment, an occupational health assessment may also be conducted.
Occupational health assessments are designed to evaluate a candidate’s ability to perform their duties safely and effectively.
In addition to assessing potential risks associated with pre-existing medical conditions like asthma, these evaluations can also identify any other health concerns or issues that could impact job performance.
Ultimately, the goal of an occupational health assessment is to ensure that all candidates meet the necessary requirements for the role they are applying for and can work comfortably within their designated environment.
What Is The Spirometry (Lung Capacity Test)
If you’ve been to the Dr before re your asthma then you will be used to doing these. If you’re not sure whether you have asthma or not, you should visit you GP.
Every perspective police officer will have to complete the spirometry test, regardless of whether you have asthma or not.
The test will be completed by a nurse or Dr in the Force’s occupational health department. This will be done in a private environment, there will not be other candidates present.
For the test you will have to:
- inhale fully, so your lungs are completely filled with air
- close your lips tightly around the mouthpiece
- exhale with a short sharp breath blowing as forcefully as you can, making sure you empty your lungs fully
This will normally be repeated three times to be able to average out the results.
If you take an asthma inhaler, you will be able to take this prior to the test to see how your lungs function when medicated.
Exceptions To The Medical Standards
As mentioned in the previous section, occupational health assessments play a crucial role in determining whether an individual is fit to serve as a police officer. However, there are certain exceptions to the medical standards that may allow individuals with certain conditions to still join the force.
One such exception is through obtaining medical waivers. These waivers are given on a case-by-case basis and require additional documentation from a physician or specialist showing that the condition does not hinder the individual’s ability to perform their duties as a police officer.
While asthma can be a limiting factor for some occupations, it is possible for individuals with asthma to obtain medical clearance and join the UK police force if they meet all other requirements and pass all necessary tests.
Furthermore, it’s important to note that having any type of medical condition, including asthma, should not discourage anyone from pursuing their dreams.
The UK police force values diversity and inclusivity and strives to provide equal opportunities for everyone who meets the required standards.
Therefore, if you have concerns about your eligibility due to a medical condition, speak with a recruitment officer who can guide you through the process and help you determine what steps you need to take next.
Conclusion: Can I Join The UK Police With Asthma?
Don’t let asthma hold you back from pursuing your dreams of joining the UK police force. While it may seem like a daunting obstacle, there are ways to overcome this challenge and find motivation along the way.
Firstly, understand that having asthma does not automatically disqualify you from becoming a police officer in the UK. As long as your condition is well-managed and under control, you can still fulfill all the necessary requirements for recruitment.
Here are some tips on how to manage your asthma while pursuing your dream career:
- Consult with your doctor regularly to ensure that your medication plan is effective.
- Incorporate regular exercise into your routine to improve lung function.
- Pay attention to triggers such as pollution or allergens and take steps to avoid them when possible.
- Don’t hesitate to communicate openly with potential employers about any concerns regarding your health status.
Overcoming obstacles such as asthma requires determination and perseverance. Finding motivation can be challenging at times but remember why you wanted to become a police officer in the first place. Focus on developing skills that will make you an asset within the force and keep pushing forward towards achieving your goals.
Remember, anything is possible if you have the drive and dedication needed to succeed.