Special Constables

If you are interested in becoming a Special Constable and volunteering for your local force, you will find everything you need to know here.

How To Survive Your First Shift As a Student PC

Buckle up! You’re about to dive headfirst into your first shift as a shiny new police officer. You’ve survived training school, now your heart’s racing, your palms are sweaty, and second thoughts are creeping in. But hey, take a deep breath and shake it off. We’ve all been there, staring into the unknown, feeling like a deer caught in the headlights. Trust me, if you weren’t a bundle of nerves, I’d be worried. But don’t sweat it, we’ve got your back with some tried-and-true tips to help you navigate your first shift

What Personal Qualities Do You Need To Become A Special Constable

What Personal Qualities Do You Need To Become A Special Constable?

Becoming a Special Constable can be a great way of giving back to your local community, as well as gaining new skills and experience. But, what personal qualities do you need to become a special constable? And why are these qualities important? In this article, we will answer these questions.

What is the role of a special constable

What’s special about the Special Constabulary?

What is the role of Special Constables? Do you have questions about what Special Constables do, what powers they have, or even, how can you become a Special Constable? You’re in the right place! We will take you through the role of a Special Constable, the application process and what to expect at training school and beyond!

Do Special Constables Get Free Travel

Do Special Constables Get Free Travel?

The question do special constables get free travel? Is one that crops up regular basis. It’s understandable why you would want free travel, after all, you’re giving up your time for free. Unfortunately, there’s no clear answer to this as it differs force by force and over time. The ability to offer free travel is in the hands of the transport providers in each of the respective forces and not the force itself.

Is It Hard To Become A Special Constable?

Is It Hard To Become A Special Constable?

Is it hard to become a special constable is a really open-ended question that will depend based on the person. It’s probably not as easy as walking into your local fast food restaurant and asking if they are taking on staff. There are a number of steps you have to go through in order to become a special constable. We will take you through the process of becoming a special constable from beginning to end in order to try and help you answer the question as to whether becoming a special constable is likely to be hard for you.

Police Vetting - What do they check

Police Vetting [What Do They Check?]

Confused by police vetting? You don’t need to be. We are going to take you through what to expect from police vetting. We will go through the types of questions that you are likely to be asked as part of the vetting process as well as give you some of our top tips to give yourself the best chance of passing your vetting.

Police Locker Essentials

Police Locker Essentials [Plus Our Top Tips]

Ever wondered what you need to store in your police locker? Don’t worry, we will take you through everything we store in ours and that we recommend for you to store in yours. Don’t get caught out! We will also take you through how to organise your locker to make sure you get the most out of your space and how to keep it smelling clean and fresh.

UK Police Rank Structure Explained

UK Police Ranks Explained

All UK Police Forces use the same rank structure, except for the Metropolitan Police and the City of London Police. Due to their size, they have additional ranks. In this article, we will take you through the UK Police Ranks and the abbreviations that are used for each of these.

Police Fitness Test

What does the Police Fitness Test involve? [Plus Top Tips]

When you’re applying to become a police officer, detention officer or another operational role, your fitness level is a vital component of the overall picture. Not only is it important that you’re physically fit to the level expected of a police officer, but it’s equally important that you’re willing to work hard and stay fit. This article with take you through what the police fitness test involves in the UK and will give you some top tips on how to prepare for and, more importantly, how to pass the police fitness test.

Can I be a Police Officer as an Introvert

Can I be a Police Officer as an Introvert?

There are many misconceptions about what it takes to become a police officer. If you’re an introvert or even just shy, one of the biggest questions you may have is, ‘Can I be a Police Officer as an Introvert?’. Being a Police Officer is a very rewarding career. It’s not for everyone. While many police officers are extroverts, some are introverts. Read on to decide whether you are an introvert and if you are, whether being a police officer is for you.